Hello all
The five-week long public voting portion of the Chivas Venture competition is officially over. I want to send my most sincere gratitude to all of you who supported us along the way! 😘
Although we didn’t make it to the position desired amidst the other 26 countries, we appreciated the chance to tell you and the public about our venture and our vision. We strongly believe that a business should maintain a dual bottom line, both social and financial.
JOBDOH is an on-demand hiring platform wishing to create income opportunities – especially for those in needs for example single mothers, mature workers – by connecting employers and workers quickly and fairly. Our screening algorithm is designed to highlight and reward meritocracy. If you are an employer looking for a fast and effective on-demand hiring solution with a social cause, sign up or talk to us today.
FYI the competition is not yet over. In July, I will fly to NYC for the finals. No matter the result, it has been an amazing ride to meet talented entrepreneurs wanting to improve the world and to tell our story.
Please continue to support us and help our users build their stories!
Humbly yours Xania
為期五星期的 Chivas The Venture 投票環節終於完結,在此對大家一直以來的支持表達最真摯的謝意! 😘 雖然我們在26個參賽國家中未能最得最理想的位置,但我們感激能得到向你介紹職到和職到理念的機會。 我們真誠地相信每一家企業都應該同時向兩個方向發展 -財政與社會責任。
職到是一個希望為大家創造更多收入的即時招聘/求職平台 -尤其是部分有急切需要人士如 單親媽媽和中年求職者- 以更公平及快捷的方式去配對僱主和求職者。 我們的篩選系統是專為突出和獎賞優秀人才而設。 假如你是僱主並正在尋找一個快捷高效的招聘方案, 請即登記或與我們聯絡。