炒散app 搵工只需個半鐘

30 Jan 2016


2007年金融風暴,香港好多公司受創,惟有諗縮數請散工以節省員工福利開支,近年甚至把長工職位變成散工職位,時薪比長工高,但還是求才若渴。那邊廂,僱員難頂OT工作文化扼殺生活,心想既然一樣無前途上不了樓,索性炒散,我有我work life balance唔同你癲,慢慢找自己的興趣不遲。話說自僱兼職數字由1997年的2.4%上升至2014年的6.8%,所以近年求職網與搵工apps湧現,漸漸改變了香港人的工作模式。

30jan_p1.jpg Xania希望分析出更多搵工人士的數據。

30jan_p2.jpg 「職到」app羅列的工種一直增加,其中「專題小組」一項有很多古靈精怪的工種,如有公司聘請人去不同停車場查看泊車位滿座情況,又曾有人以時薪$450請素人做模特兒,每工十小時,筍工特別多。



小調節工作要求 更快填補空缺 另一搵工app「炒散王」創辦人黃家俊17歲起已是炒散王,當時搵散工沒門路好困難,多靠朋友介紹。當年由低做起,洗廚房辛苦但人工高,他說:「人哋點我洗,我咪洗囉。」現在散工需求越來越大,散工時薪已經追過長工時薪,好多人認真計算過,連同雙糧和假期均除,兩者時薪差無幾,故寧願做散工換來自由工時。不過有很多時候,有工都無人願意做,「好多僱主都唔太清楚自己想請啲乜。」其實有時只要在工作要求上作點小調節,會更容易請到合適的人。「如果請人嘅地點有好多家庭主婦,咁僱主可以調一調工時,例如中午12點至下午4點一更,等啲媽媽可以帶孩子放學或者返屋企煮飯,去到5點起另一更,咁會更快填補空缺。」


「炒散王」創辦人黃家俊(左)及Z chocolate代理人陳啟摯(Edwin),後者說很滿意透過app請到的part-time。

30jan_p4.jpg 在搵工app「炒散王」裏,六成散工是學生或剛畢業的年輕人。

Case1:單親媽媽 幾個鐘透透氣







Case2:IT人為減壓 不想與時代脫節

以為Ken是被退休的愁人,但見他出場時皮褸頸巾腰板挺直,坐下來就問我:「你想知道乜?」我自己反有點被見工的感覺。他八十年代已是第一代高登仔,是在黃金商場賣電腦的IT人,是老闆。平時喜歡做義工的他愛學習不同事物,愛混在不同背景的人當中,看他們的想法,覺得很有趣,當減壓,「𠵱家做IT唔係識賣電腦就掂,要賣創意同意念啦,我唔想同時代脫節,要企喺唔同位置去體驗先至最有效,而且好好玩。」近年他見炒散網盛行,自己炒散時,也發現老闆看僱員跟僱員看老闆之間都有盲點,於是日日盯住炒散網的搵工資訊變化,跟着落場炒散做埋一份,嘗試分析怎樣才能讓兩邊都找到適合的人及工作。那天,他走到「職到」的data entry部門,居然跟創辦人Xania聊起如何改善程式,一切完全只為興趣。





Case3:不是廢青 尋找方向又畀到家用 剛畢業的馮希敏(Heibe)讀大學時已持續炒散,炒散經驗歷四年,是上面兩位受訪者的前輩。「反正畢業都唔一定搵到自己鍾意又長做嘅長工,我覺得繼續做自己鍾意做嘅事,慢慢搵自己想發展嘅方向都可以。」





朱古力在冬季屬旺季,多展覽需多人手,這些小店多傾向請散工。 為乜炒散?


年齡多為18至25歲,Xania:「佢哋剛剛畢業未決定做啲乜,搵外快做住先,或者儲錢去working holiday。體驗唔同工種,找興趣方向。仲有班人喺外國返番嚟,搵到正職前都會做part-time頂住先。」


這類人炒散全為錢,他們生活艱難,正職以外要搵外快維持生計,Xania:「我哋有啲工種係晚上九點至凌晨四五點開工嘅,例如通宵做set up工作,好受歡迎,因為人工較高,每小時有大約$70,每晚做五、六個鐘,三、四點放工。」







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These Are The 22 Startups Attending Seedcamp Week London

29 Jan 2016


The office is abuzz with energy… it’s Seedcamp Week! 22 exciting startups have travelled to London from as far as Hong Kong to spend the week presenting, learning and networking with over 200 of Europe’s top investors and mentors.

Introducing the teams It wasn’t an easy task selecting just a handful of the hundreds of applicants that applied – in fact, this was one of the highest-quality groups of applicants we’ve seen – but we’re confident we’ve picked a strong group and can’t wait to see how they progress throughout the week! Each startup is working on an ambitious and disruptive technology, spanning a broad range of sectors including FinTech, eCommerce, EdTech, Media, and Analytics.

  • ArtGuru (London, UK) – An app that recognises artworks and suggests where to visit. Galleries get big data and a marketplace.
  • Assimilate (London, UK) – A visual collaboration tool for sharing knowledge about relationships.
  • Car Quids (London, UK) – Connecting brands with unique, targeted outdoor advertising spaces.
  • Clowdy (Manchester, UK) – A platform that gives creatives an identity to start their career and the network to grow.
  • Coinfetti (Bucharest, Romania) – Converting Bitcoins to fiat on your prepaid debit card.
  • Concis.ly (Wokingham, UK) – Google Docs for lawyers. Speeding up the process of drafting and reviewing contracts.
  • Data Smoothie (London, UK) – A software platform that revolutionises how data scientists analyse data and share results.
  • Edurio (Riga, Latvia) – Tools for schools to track their education quality and identify improvement opportunities.
  • HOKO (London, UK & Lisbon, Portugal) – A deep-linking platform for mobile apps, allowing apps to connect smoothly.
  • JOBDOH (Hong Kong) – A quick location based booking platform to get quality temporary workers for hospitality and exhibitions.
  • Magic Tab (London, UK) – A tabletop smart-menu that makes food look beautiful and takes orders and payments automatically too.
  • Queueco (London, UK) – An algorithmic market maker providing liquidity to digital currencies on a global scale.
  • Revolut (London, UK) – Revolut is the personal money cloud, a great alternative to banks.
  • Stockflare (London, UK) – Helping consumers pick stocks easily. Mission: to encourage millennials to save & invest well.
  • Teamlayer (Cambridge, UK) – Providing straight-forward team collaboration by connecting the user’s web apps on a central interface.
  • Travelchat (Cagliari, Italy) – Allowing travellers to chat with locals and get personalised travel tips in real time.
  • WealthKernel (London,UK) – SaaS provider of wealth management solutions focusing on simplified advice platforms for financial advisors.

Also joining us Our seed fund allows us to invest in later-stage startups too, so we’re thrilled to announce some new investments who are going to be joining us for Seedcamp Week.

  • Cronofy (Nottingham/London, UK) – The unified calendar API that allows you to integrate your apps deeply within your customers’ lives.
  • Edgefolio (London, UK & New York, USA) – The platform connecting Hedge Funds and Allocators.
  • MarcoPolo (New York, USA) – A 21st century edutainment brand focused on sparking curiosity in young children about the wonders of the natural world.
  • Plastik (Tel Aviv, Israel) – Finding better ways to pay, with the ambitious goal of bridging known gaps in the financial world.

During the next few days these promising startups will present their companies to the Seedcamp investors and over 200 of Europe’s top mentors, advising in their areas of expertise; from Product to Finance to Marketing and beyond.

They’ll also hear two insightful masterclasses; Richard Moross (Founder & CEO of Moo.com) will be speaking about growing Moo into an internationally-recognised brand, and Alexander Trewby (Founder & COO of Divide) will share his journey growing Divide up until its recent acquisition by Google.

Of course, we couldn’t do this without the support of our amazing Seedcamp Week partners; Campus London who will be providing the space for the week, our friends at WhiteStar Capital, and Runway East and Second Home where we’ll be holding our renowned after-parties!

Look out for a very special announcement in the coming weeks, as we’ll be investing in some of the participating Seedcamp Week startups.

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If you’re a startup founder interested in applying to Seedcamp, applications for May’s Seedcamp Week Berlin will be opening on Monday 9th February. So check back at our website for the official announcement or keep an eye on our Twitter or Facebook for details.

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